Ava and Coco

In this inspiring story you will witness the sibling’s love and affection:


Ava is a sophomore in highschool, and enjoys participating in cross country, and has 4 siblings including her exceptional sibling Coco. 

What made Ava realize that her sister was different?

Like many other siblings of special needs, the moment that Ava realized that her sister was different was when she went to school. When going to school Ava started to notice that her younger sister didn’t act like other students. As she grew older she started to observe and understand the different medicines that her sister had to take. The unique care and lifestyle Coco needed really stood out, especially when looking at others.

How is her life right now with a special-needs sibling and what is her relationship with them?

Ava’s life with special needs siblings is unique, because she is the oldest feeling and often has extra responsibility surrounding Coco. For example, sometimes she will sleep with Coco to help her parents. As for Coco, one thing that she loves is to go to school. However, with Coco there are some tough moments when she has a fit and is difficult to control. Many times Coco could hurt others around her, however, recently Coco has improved and she hasn’t been having as many fits as in the past. Although Ava has a special place in her heart for Coco, she feels like she has a closer bond with her other siblings, as she is able to share more information and spend more time with them. 

Did her parents affect her relationship with Coco? If so, how? 

Ava’s parents always encourage her and her siblings to be nice and remind them to have patience with Coco, which can be challenging depending on her mood. Additionally, many times Ava does many chores to help her parents because a lot of their time goes into taking care of Coco. 

What challenges did she face having a special needs sibling? 

One challenge that Ava faced with Coco is traveling places with her family. It is definitely more difficult moving from one place to another with a special needs sibling especially in Coco’s case as she has difficulty walking. Additionally, many times Coco has difficulty understanding when to be quiet and can end up being very loud whenever Ava goes traveling. 

What has helped Ava overcome her challenges? Was it specific sites people?

Something that helped Ava overcome these challenges is believing in Coco’s doctors and therapist and trusting in her progress overtime. Ava also gives Coco her space or gives her food to hopefully change Coco’s mood. 

What was her favorite experience with Coco? 

One of Ava’s favorite moments with Coco was dancing to Taylor Swift together. Ava felt as though she and Coco really bonded in that moment as they both enjoyed her music. Another memory Ava has with Coco is screaming on roller coasters together.


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